Saturday, June 8, 2013

Establishing The Kingdom Of The Beast IN California. Simple as That

I Can't Beleive howA PersonFrom ArkansaCAn Become, It' sTrully Rediculous I Mean First Of all The State Has Human Rights Listed Under Prison's Civil Rights lawyers' Like Leqaves OntRee's Becaause Of It, And they INsist Upon Tormenting Anyone Form the StateIn Other States, By Invading thery Privacy withthis system Straight From Jail Institution's That Has The private Cictizens Livng in there Home's In one Room, While they Invade your privacy, Listening In Your Home'sHolograming themselves, using Mirrorology, In hIstorical times it's was said a witch Caqn Astral Plane ThemselvesSame's NOrmal to them. And pretend to each other It's NOt Really Happening, I REmind Ou Of this Becasue the Bible States, and Iis Written Free, and Slave, And Bodies And Souls, Of Men, I Didn't Write this, It Was Written thousands Of Years Before i was Born, and they Keep doing this Committing this System Act Upon anyone, and EVen Have The nerve to sound Like slaves, when a person ask's them about, this system, used, I Mean It's Totally Disgusting, and so InhUmane, but and they Lie About it likek it ain't shit.the ibile Also States, that An INsittuionlizing Process will  BEw used to steal the minds of men. Subliminal Processes, they're used just watching television, in Advertisements, a Certainlevel is used to get the public to buy different Products, well The State Of Arkansas is using a military type system Combined, with there Inhumane, Human rights listed under prison's and At a MOre Higher level of subliminal, Level, Brainwashing  Society, inot thinking that what they've been doing is okay, the bible, says that degenracy will be accepted as a normallIfe sytle. well the aruent today is same sex Marriages, the state Of california Has  Human TRafficking, they Participate in Drive by shootiings, Innocent blood shed, they 're responsible for Drug Labs, In Homes Neighborhoods, Warehouse busts, Conducted by DEA, By the government, they rAcial Profile, To detain Blacks For the Colr of trher eSkins, and because thery're black, they Coercise, threaten, victimize, I.D. theft, My HUsbnad wa sled by gun Point to be with one of these women, Forcing themselves, this state is the ste of chales manson, Jim Jones, the cultl of jehovah witnesses, are Rediculous inthis state, forcing trhemselves victimizing Private citizens and using Fear to intimidate there victims into submission,i Mean add all this up, And it's Hell OnEarth,and it's all Normal to them, and every else is wrong if they Object to these' FactionsNormal Pracices, On Private citizens, this state also Had the patriot act, Innopcent Private citizens detained IN Jail for months no contact with Family, Whilke asiasn took over the business, in black Neighborhood.s runnign Black businesses' out, running them outtah there Homes.Teh Bible States, no one will be able to buy or sale without taking the Sign of the beast, what do you think the RFID, chip Is?the Socail Security ADministraton has been using this sytem in there Agency, since may 2010, teh Police chief in new jersy, took the RFID Volunterarily.  A Large number of people in san diego area took the RFID Volantarily in California( this made news, On TBN with other Question's abotu the Full meaning and dEFINITION, AND HOW CRAFTY, AND CUNNIGNTHEY ARE wHEN THEY GO AFTER SOMEONE THAT 'S TELLING THE TRUTH HOW THE PERSON IS DICREDITED, AND DEMANED, AND REDICULED, AND LIKE THE BIBLE SAYS THE BAD WILL BE CALLED GOOD, AND THE GOOD BAD, Timothy 3 says' they will be traitors,well what do you About the Reactionary Attack agaisnt America, thru california  the Botched Political Elections Florida , California Successions; Has Everyone Forgotten this ?  I Spoke with qa MIlitary Vet, aBout the Going  on in Arizona, his family had to Sneak , Him OUttah the Stae they Were Keeping him in that State AGaisnt his will, he was a Military Veteran, My HUsband, a Military Vet, Beign used for Fake Marriage Frauds, and olice INvolved, and REsponsible, his Questionable detainments, and none making sense, a 10 minute arrest, ( Reported toThe FBI)My Special Needs son Special Need, Special Education classes, since the age of 9, and as an adult, he ws Racially Profiled did 3 years, from a lie ( covering up a corrupt police officer, Project innocence was assigned to the case, but i.D theft From some asians have been keeping it Red taped, some of the INformation Sent to the FBI, he needs, his SSI For medical Attention, but asiasn have himn the focal point of a racist group of whites, from England thru salvation army, and they've been using I.D. theft to steal his Check, and keep his case from being heard by a real judge to re-establish his SSI, in the State of Calfironia where they Racial Profile.and play with people's lives,I Mean this place is rediculoous,a nd it's getting worse, i've been trheatened by Person's from Asians Race, and Hispanic Races, I fI try and leave this state I only vcame here to get my son outtah of it, becasue of all the frauds, I.D. theft beign used by these two races, and those form arkansas, i guess teh Salvaton army Bullshit is just a bonus to keep the red tape going on and keeping a lot of inverstiogation's stopped, or hendered.I Have a these People, And Those involved with These HIspanics Force Blacks to Live in   Slumlord Properties, and the Blacks tht are Associated to arkansas ACtually sound like Slaves, always trying to compete,or win approval of there massa'sI'm Gonna Make sure i don't get sold,by BEing Worthsomethin, even if it's someone Else's Atribute, i Mean DAmn they already use to invasion Of privacy system on private citizens, and on top of that when they invade your privacy, they Brainwash the Household into  turnigthemselves in If they Escape fromthere jials in this state, they don't even really Look for them, becasue they're brainwshed into Turnignthemselves in, if they Run to the east, they Run around in cirles, , and end up at the State POlice's Door, no matter what direction they run in i read about it when i visited the State in 94, teh Funny part About all thaht thes asiasn are pulling here in calfironia is her Also Passing for white, withthis arkansas sysem used,soem of the hispanics, are doing the same damn thang, passing for black, throw in The Enlgan ones thru SALVATIOIN ARMY, AND WHAT DO YOU GET,? A BIG ASS MESS. RIGHT, WELL THT'S JUS T SOME OF THE STUFF GOING ON .  Fantasia And Her Mother He's Done Enough. Faith Evans As Soon As  I Get Home. You Get's No Love

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