Saturday, April 20, 2013

Chapter 5er's First 2 PARAGRAPHS,OF tHE BIG BOOK YOU'VE B EEN HAD BY Su-Mundy, Telling Lies For a Bunch Of Dope Fiends, Breaking the 12X12 Steps And Traditions, I'd Not Walk Back In Yo bullshit Ever AGain For Nothing Kiss My goddamn Ass, Fuck You.l

Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon A .A. unity.”
THE unity of Alcoholics Anonymous is the most cherished quality our Society has. Our lives, the lives of all to come, depend squarely upon it. We stay whole, or A.A. dies. Without unity, the heart of A.A. would cease to beat; our world arteries would no longer carry the life-giving grace of God; His gift to us would be spent aimlessly. Back again in their caves, alcoholics would reproach us and say, “What a great thing A.A. might have been!”
“Does this mean,” some will anxiously ask, “that in A.A. the individual doesn’t count for much? Is he to be domi­nated by his group and swallowed u~ in it?”
We may certainly answer this question with a loud “No!” We believe there isn’t a fellowship on earth which lavishes more devoted care upon its individual members; surely there is none which more jealously guards the individual’s right to think, talk, and act as he wishes. No A.A. can com­pel another to do anything; nobody can be punished or ex­pelled. Our Twelve Steps to recovery are suggestions; the Twelve Traditions which guarantee A.A.’s unity contain not a single “Don’t.” They repeatedly say “We ought ...“ but never “You must!”
To many minds all this liberty for the individual spells sheer anarchy. Every newcomer, every friend who looks at A.A. for the first time is greatly puzzled. They see liberty verging on license, yet they recognize at once that A.A. has an irresistible strength of purpose and action. “How,” they ask, “can such a crowd of anarchists function at all? How can they possibly place their common welfare first? What in Heaven’s name holds them together?”
Those who look closely soon have the key to this strange paradox. The A.A. member has to conform to the princi­ples of recovery. His life actually depends upon obedience 4 to spiritual principles. If he deviates too far, the penalty is sure and swift; he sickens and dies. At first he goes along because he must, but later he discovers a way of life he really wants to live. Moreover, he finds he cannot keep this priceless gift unless he gives it away. Neither he nor any­body else can survive unless he carries the A.A. message. The moment this Twelfth Step work forms a group, another discovery is made—that most individuals cannot recover unless there is a group. Realization dawns that he is but a small part of a great whole; that no personal sacrifice is too great for preservation of the Fellowship. He learns that the clamor of desires and ambitions within him must be silenced whenever these could damage the group. It becomes plain that the group must survive or the individual will not.
So at the outset, how best to live and work together as groups became the prime question. In the world about us we saw personalities destroying whole peoples. The struggle for wealth, power, and prestige was tearing humanity apart as never before. If strong people were stalemated in the search for peace and harmony, what was to become of our erratic band of alcoholics? As we had once struggled and prayed for individual recovery, just so earnestly did we commence to quest for the principles through which AA itself might survive. On anvils of experience, the structure of our Society was hammered out.
Countless times, in as many cities and hamlets, we reen­acted the story of Eddie Rickenbacker and his courageous acted company when their plane crashed in the Pacific. Like us, they had suddenly found themselves saved from death, but still floating upon a perilous sea. How well they saw that their common welfare came first. None might become selfish of water or bread. Each needed to consider the others, and in abiding faith they knew they must find their real strength. And this they did find, in measure to transcend all the de­fects of their frail craft, every test of uncertainty, pain, fear, and despair, and even the death of one.
Thus has it been with A.A. By faith and by works we have been able to build upon the lessons of an incredible experience. They live today in the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous, which—God willing—shall sustain us in unity for so long as He may need us.

For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority—a loving God as He may express Himself in our group con­science. Our leaders are but trusted ser­vants; they do not govern.”
‘W’HERE does A.A. get its direction? Who runs it? This, too, is a puzzler for every friend and newcomer. When told that our Society has no president having authority to govern it, no treasurer who can compel the payment of any dues, no board of directors who can cast an erring member into outer darkness, when indeed no A.A. can give another a directive and enforce obedience, our friends gasp and ex­claim, “This simply can’t be. There must be an angle some­where.” These practical folk then read Tradition Two, and learn that the sole authority in A.A. is a loving God as He may express Himself in the group conscience. They dubi­ously ask an experienced A.A. member if this really works. The member, sane to all appearances, immediately answers, “Yes! It definitely does.” The friends mutter that this looks vague, nebulous, pretty naive to them. Then they commence to watch us with speculative eyes, pick up a frag­ment of A.A. history, and soon have the solid facts.
What are these facts of A.A. life which brought us to this apparently impractical principle?
John Doe, a good A.A., moves—let us say—to Middle-town, U.S.A. Alone now, he reflects that he may not be able to stay sober, or even alive, unless he passes on to other p alcoholics what was so freely given him. He feels a spiritual and ethical compulsion, because hundreds may be suffering within reach of his help. Then, too, he misses his home group. He needs other alcoholics as much as they need him. He visits preachers, doctors, editors, policemen, and bar­tenders . . . with the result that Middletown now has a group, and he is the founder.
Being the founder, he is at first the boss. Who else could be? Very soon, though, his assumed authority to run every­thing begins to be shared with the first alcoholics he has helped. At this moment, the benign dictator becomes the chairman of a committee composed of his friends. These are the growing group’s hierarchy of service—self-appointed, of course, because there is no other way. In a matter of months, A.A. booms in Middletown.
The founder and his friends channel spirituality to new­comers, hire halls, make hospital arrangements, and entreat their wives to brew gallons of coffee. Being on the human side, the founder and his friends may bask a little in glory. They say to one another, “Perhaps it would be a good idea if we continue to keep a firm hand on A.A. in this town. After all, we are experienced. Besides, look at all the good we’ve done these drunks. They should be grateful!” True, founders and their friends are sometimes wiser and more humble than this. But more often at this stage they are not.
Growing pains now beset the group. Panhandlers pan­handle. Lonely hearts pine. Problems descend like an avalanche. Still more important, murmurs are heard in the body politic, which swell into a loud cry: “Do these oldtimers think they can run this group forever? Let’s have an elec­tion!” The founder and his friends are hurt and depressed. They rush from crisis to crisis and from member to member, pleading; but it’s no use, the revolution is on. The group conscience is about to take over.
Now comes the election. If the founder and his friends have served well, they may—to their surprise—be reinstated for a time. If, however, they have heavily resisted the rising tide of democracy, they may be summarily beached. In ei­ther case, the group now has a so-called rotating commit­tee, very sharply limited in its authority. In no sense what-ever can its members govern or direct the group. They are servants. Theirs is the sometimes thankless privilege of do­ing the group’s chores. Headed by the chairman, they look after public relations and arrange meetings. Their treasurer, strictly accountable, takes money from the hat that is passed, banks it, pays the rent and other bills, and makes a regular report at business meetings. The secretary sees that literature is on the table, looks after the phone-answering service, answers the mail, and sends out notices of meetings.
Such are the simple services that enable the group to func­tion. The committee gives no spiritual advice, judges no one’s conduct, issues no orders. Every one of them may be promptly eliminated at the next election if they try this. And so they make the belated discovery that they are really ser­vants, not senators. These are universal experiences. Thus throughout A.A. does the group conscience decree the terms upon which its leaders shall serve.
This brings us straight to the question “Does A.A. have a real leadership?” Most emphatically the answer is “Yes, notwithstanding the apparent lack of it.” Let’s turn again to the deposed founder and his friends. What becomes of them? As their grief and anxiety wear away, a subtle change begins. Ultimately, they divide into two classes known in A.A. slang as “elder statesmen” and “bleeding deacons.” The elder statesman is the one who sees the wisdom of the group’s decision, who holds no resentment over his reduced status, whose judgment, fortified by considerable experi­ence, is sound, and who is willing to sit quietly on the side­lines patiently awaiting developments. The bleeding deacon is one who is just as surely convinced that the group cannot get along without him, who constantly connives for reelec­tion to office, and who continues to be consumed with self-pity. A few hemorrhage so badly that—drained of all A.A. spirit and principle—they get drunk. At times the A.A. landscape seems to be littered with bleeding forms. Nearly every oldtimer in our Society has gone through this process n some degree. Happily, most of them survive and live to become elder statesmen. They become the real and perma­nent leadership of A.A. Theirs is the quiet opinion, the sure knowledge and humble example that resolve a crisis. When sorely perplexed, the group inevitably turns to them for advice. They become the voice of the group conscience; in fact, these are the true voice of Alcoholics Anonymous. They do not drive by mandate; they lead by example. This is the experience which has led us to the conclusion that our group conscience, well-advised by its elders, will be in the long run wiser than any single leader.
When A.A. was only three years old, an event occurred demonstrating this principle. One of the first members of A.A., entirely contrary to his own desires, was obliged to conform to group opinion. Here is the story in his words.
“One day I was doing a Twelfth Step job at a hospital in New York. The proprietor, Charlie, summoned me to his office. ‘Bill,’ he said, ‘I think it’s a shame that you are finan­cially so hard up. All around you these drunks are getting well and making money. But you’re giving this work full time, and you’re broke. It isn’t fair.’ Charlie fished in his desk and came up with an old financial statement. Handing J it to me, he continued, ‘This shows the kind of money the
hospital used to make back in the 1920’s. Thousands of dollars a month. It should be doing just as well now, and it would—if only you’d help me. So why don’t you move your work in here? I’ll give you an office, a decent drawing ac­count, and a very healthy slice of the profits. Three years ago, when my head doctor, Silkworth, began to tell me of the idea of helping drunks by spirituality, I thought it was crackpot stuff, but I’ve changed my mind. Some day this bunch of ex-drunks of yours will fill Madison Square Gar­den, and I don’t see why you should starve meanwhile. What I propose is perfectly ethical. You can become a lay therapist, and more successful than anybody in the business.’
“I was bowled over. There were a few twinges of con­science until I saw how really ethical Charlie’s proposal was. There was nothing wrong whatever with becoming a lay therapist. I thought of Lois coming home exhausted from the department store each day, only to cook supper for a houseful of drunks who weren’t paying board. I thought of the large sum of money still owing my Wall Street creditors. I thought of a few of my alcoholic friends, who were making as much money as ever. Why shouldn’t I do as well as they?
“Although I asked Charlie for a little time to consider it, my own mind was about made up. Racing back to Brooklyn on the subway, I had a seeming flash of divine guidance. It was only a single sentence, but most convincing. In fact, it came right out of the Bible—a voice kept saying to me. ‘The laborer is worthy of his hire.’ Arriving home, I found Lois cooking as usual, while three drunks looked hungrily on from the kitchen door. I drew her aside and told the glorious news. She looked interested, but not as excited as I thought she should be.
“It was meeting night. Although none of the alcoholics we boarded seemed to get sober, some others had. With their wives they crowded into our downstairs parlor. At once I burst into the story of my opportunity. Never shall I forget their impassive faces, and the steady gaze they focused upon me. With waning enthusiasm, my tale trailed off to the end. There was a long silence.
“Almost timidly, one of my friends began to speak. ‘We know how hard up you are, Bill. It bothers us a lot. We’ve often wondered what we might do about it. But I think 1 speak for everyone here when I say that what you now pro­pose bothers us an awful lot more.’ The speaker’s voice grew more confident. ‘Don’t you realize,’ he went on, ‘that you can never become a professional? As generous as Charlie has been to us, don’t you see that we can’t tie this thing up with his hospital or any other? You tell us that Charlie's proposal is ethical. Sure, it’s ethical, but what we’ve got won’t run on ethics only; it has to be better. Sure, Charlie’s idea is good, but it isn’t good enough. This is a matter of life and death, Bill, and nothing but the very best will do!’ Challengingly, my friends looked at me as their spokesman continued. ‘Bill, haven’t you often said right here in this meeting that sometimes the good is the enemy of the best? Well, this is a plain case of it. You can’t do this thing to us!’
“So spoke the group conscience. The group was right and I was wrong; the voice on the subway was not the voice of God. Here was the true voice, welling up out of my friends. I listened, and—thank God—I obeyed.”

The only requirement for A .A. member­ship is a desire to stop drinking.”
THIS Tradition is packed with meaning. For A.A. is really saying to every serious drinker, “You are an A.A. member if you say so. You can declare yourself in; nobody can keep you out. No matter who you are, no matter how low you’ve gone, no matter how grave your emotional complications— even your crimes—we still can’t deny you A.A. We don’t want to keep you out. We aren’t a bit afraid you’ll harm us, never mind how twisted or violent you may be. We just want to be sure that you get the same great chance for so­briety that we’ve had. So you’re an A.A. member the minute you declare yourself.”
To establish this principle of membership took years of harrowing experience. In our early time, nothing seemed so fragile, so easily breakable as an A.A. group. Hardly an alcoholic we approached paid any attention; most of those who did join us were like flickering candles in a windstorm. Time after time, their uncertain flames blew out and couldn’t be relighted. Our unspoken, constant thought was “Which of us may be the next?”
A member gives us a vivid glimpse of those days. “At one time,” he says, “every A.A. group had many membership rules. Everybody was scared witless that something or some­body would capsize the boat and dump us all back into the drink. Our Foundation office* asked each group to send in its list of ‘protective’ regulations. The total list was a mile long. If all those rules had been in effect everywhere, nobody could have possibly joined A.A. at all, so great was the sum of our anxiety and fear.
“We were resolved to admit nobody to A.A. but that hy­pothetical class of people we termed ‘pure alcoholics.’ Ex­cept for their guzzling, and the unfortunate results thereof, they could have no other complications. So beggars, tramps, asylum inmates, prisoners, queers, plain crackpots, and fallen women were definitely out. Yes sir, we’d cater only to pure and respectable alcoholics! Any others would surely destroy us. Besides, if we took in those odd ones, what would decent people say about us? We built a fine-mesh fence right around A.A.
“Maybe this sounds comical now. Maybe you think we oldtimers were pretty intolerant. But I can tell you there was nothing funny about the situation then. We were grim be­cause we felt our lives and homes were threatened, and that was no laughing matter. Intolerant, you say? Well, we were frightened. Naturally, we began to act like most everybody does when afraid. After all, isn’t fear the true basis of in­tolerance? Yes, we were intolerant.”
How could we then guess that all those fears were to prove groundless? How could we know that thousands of these sometimes frightening people were to make astonish­ing recoveries and become our greatest workers and inti­mate friends? Was it credible that A.A. was to have a divorce rate far lower than average? Could we then foresee that troublesome people were to become our principal teach­ers of patience and tolerance? Could any then imagine a society which would include every conceivable kind of char­acter, and cut across every barrier of race, creed, politics, and language with ease?
Why did A.A. finally drop all its membership regula­tions? Why did we leave it to each newcomer to decide him­self whether he was an alcoholic and whether he should join us? Why did we dare to say, contrary to the experience of society and government everywhere, that we would neither punish nor deprive any A.A. of membership, that we must never compel anyone to pay anything, believe anything, or conform to anything?
The answer, now seen in Tradition Three, was simplicity itself. At last experience taught us that to take away any alcoholic’s full chance was sometimes to pronounce his death sentence, and often to condemn him to endless mis­ery. Who dared to be judge, jury, and executioner of his own sick brother?
As group after group saw these possibilities, they finally abandoned all membership regulations. One dramatic expe­rience after another clinched this determination until it be­came our universal tradition. Here are two examples:
On the A.A. calendar it was Year Two. In that time noth­ing could be seen but two struggling, nameless groups of alcoholics trying to hold their faces up to the light
A newcomer appeared at one of these groups, knocked on the door and asked to be let in. He talked frankly with that group’s oldest member. He soon proved that his was a desperate case, and that above all he wanted to get well. “But,” he asked, “will you let me join your group? Since I am the victim of another addiction even worse stigmatized than alcoholism, you may not want me among you. Or will you?”
There was the dilemma. What should the group do? The oldest member summoned two others, and in confidence laid the explosive facts in their laps. Said he, “Well, what about it? If we turn this man away, he’ll soon die. If we allow him in, only God knows what trouble he’ll brew. What shall the answer be—yes or no?”
At first the elders could look only at the objections. “We deal,” they said, “with alcoholics only. Shouldn’t we sacri­fice this one for the sake of the many?” So went the dis­cussion while the newcomer’s fate hung in the balance. Then one of the three spoke in a very different voice. “What we are really afraid of,” he said, “is our reputation. We are much more afraid of what people might say than the trouble this strange alcoholic might bring. As we’ve been talking, five short words have been running through my mind. Some­thing keeps repeating to me, ‘What would the Master do?’” Not another word was said. What more indeed could be said?
Overjoyed, the newcomer plunged into Twelfth Step d work. Tirelessly he laid A.A.’s message before scores of people. Since this was a very early group, those scores have since multiplied themselves into thousands. Never did he trouble anyone with his other difficulty. A.A. had taken its first step in the formation of Tradition Three.
Not long after the man with the double stigma knocked for admission, A.A.’s other group received into its member­ship a salesman we shall call Ed. A power driver, this one, and brash as any salesman could possibly be. He had at least an idea a minute on how to improve A.A. These ideas he sold to fellow members with the same burning enthusi­asm with which he distributed automobile polish. But he had one idea that wasn’t so salable. Ed was an atheist. His pet obsession was that A.A. could get along better without its “God nonsense.” He browbeat everybody, and everybody expected that he’d soon get drunk—for at the time, you see, A.A. was on the pious side. There must be a heavy penalty, it was thought, for blasphemy. Distressingly enough, Ed proceeded to stay sober.
At length the time came for him to speak in a meeting. We shivered, for we knew what was coming. He paid a fine tribute to the Fellowship; he told how his family had been reunited; he extolled the virtue of honesty; he recalled the joys of Twelfth Step work; and then he lowered the boom. Cried Ed, “I can’t stand this God stuff! It’s a lot of malarkey for weak folks. This group doesn’t need it, and I won’t have it! To hell with it!”
A great wave of outraged resentment engulfed the meet­ing, sweeping every member to a single resolve: “Out he goes!”
The elders led Ed aside. They said firmly, “You can’t talk like this around here. You’ll have to quit it or get out.” With great sarcasm Ed came back at them. “Now do tell! Is that so?” He reached over to a bookshelf and took up a sheaf of papers. On top of them lay the foreword to the book “Alco­holics Anonymous,” then under preparation. He read aloud, “The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking.” Relentlessly, Ed went on, “When you guys wrote that sentence, did you mean it, or didn’t you?”
Dismayed, the elders looked at one another, for they knew he had them cold. So Ed stayed.
Ed not only stayed, he stayed sober—month after month. The longer he kept dry, the louder he talked—against God. The group was in anguish so deep that all fraternal charity had vanished. “When, oh when,” groaned members to one another, “will that guy get drunk?”
Quite a while later, Ed got a sales job which took him out of town. At the end of a few days, the news came in. He’d sent a telegram for money, and everybody knew what that meant! Then he got on the phone. In those days, we’d go 4 anywhere on a Twelfth Step job, no matter how unpromis­ing. But this time nobody stirred. “Leave him alone! Let him try it by himself for once; maybe he’ll learn a lesson!”
About two weeks later, Ed stole by night into an A.A. member’s house and, unknown to the family, went to bed. Daylight found the master of the house and another friend drinking their morning coffee. A noise was heard on the stairs. To their consternation, Ed appeared. A quizzical smile on his lips, he said, “Have you fellows had your morn­ing meditation?” They quickly sensed that he was quite in earnest. In fragments, his story came out.
In a neighboring state, Ed had holed up in a cheap hotel. After all his pleas for help had been rebuffed, these words rang in his fevered mind: “They have deserted me. I have been deserted by my own kind. This is the end.., nothing is left.” As he tossed on his bed, his hand brushed the bureau near by, touching a book. Opening the book, he read. It was a Gideon Bible. Ed never confided any more of what he saw and felt in that hotel room. It was the year 1938. He hasn’t had a drink since.
Nowadays, when oldtimers who know Ed foregather, they exclaim, “What if we had actually succeeded in throwing Ed out for blasphemy? What would have happened to him and all the others he later helped?”
So the hand of Providence early gave us a sign that any alcoholic is a member of our Society when he says so.
*In 1954, the name of the Alcoholic Foundation, Inc., was changed to the General Service Board of Alcoholics Anonymous, Inc., and the Foundation office is now the General Service Office.

Friday, April 19, 2013

These Are The last Day's And The cult's Are Trying to Steal the MInds Of Men.

When Will You Form Of Godliness Catch On That these Are The Last Days and Your Games Are over? You Need To Read I Peter2:13-16 Isaiah5:8,20,21,23 Romans1:21-32 Romans2:3 Isaiah10:1 Galatians5:16-21 Ephesians5:16-21 Galatians5:26 Ephesians5:6,7,11,12 1 Timothy5:21,22 2Timothy3:1-5 2 Tomothy4:3,4 James3:13-17 1 Peter4:15 Titus1:10-16 2 Peter2:1-10,12-15,19 ,2Thessalonians2:3,4,6,-12 2John7-11 Jude7-13,15-23 1 John4:1-6, Leviticus19:13,16,29,30 Revelations13 Revelations18 leviticus21:4-7WHAT DOSE IT TAKE CALIFIORNIA? aren’t you tired Of these Cults Yet. Or do You Just Want to Be Damned and Cursed made To Believe The Lie???Do You Not See The Prophecies, From The word Of God Coming Into Realistic Realms Of All Of Our Understanding?This is Rediculous, These Scriptures Alone State just How Decieved The cult Of Jehovah witnesses ARe, And The State People Of Arkansas, Especially those That invade Civil Rights, Racially Profile, Establish Means And Ways To monitor The Masses. California is a State Of Institutions As it is, so Institutionalizing Devises To Steal The Mind Are Not new To Anyone That has Been Incarcerated, The Brainwashing System used. The Expalnation For Repeat Offences, The Same Crime done Over And Over,Subliminal control Through The Media, It’s Rediculous But True.The Rearranging Of A Personality, Altering Personalities, And Research Is A common Place Make Some Extra Money In The State Of California, Can’t Open a Periodical Without a an ad To mailorder An Experimental Medication.Children lighting Themselves Up Like Matches For Fun.Did Anyone Catch That News Cast Of The Teen Ager that Poured Some Lighter Fluid On His Arm and Lite A Match? all for The Fun Of It. No Respect For Authoritive persons, Treasonistic Situation, Foreign States( Within The United States Using The Immigrants In California) to committ Treason To take Ove The State, And Even Government Opportunites, When it not Being done By those From Othere States, with California As The Central Nervous Center For These Treasonistic Offences Government Grant Opportunities
Racially profiling so as one Racialy Group Can Recieve a Government Grant ETC)Immorality Beignn Accepted, The Nearly Nude, Teen Walking Up And Down Our Streets,And Some coming Up Missing You Don’t See the Connection of What Is Being Stated From This blog, Or Written In the Bible? But The Problem Of Human Trafficking, As Well as I.D.theft On the Rise.Theh Wars, And False Report Of Peace, The Troops Coming Home, Broken Housholds,Traditional Families Becoming Extinct,Free, And Slave, Souls, And Bodies Of Men. It’s All True. Take A Real And Honest Look haven’t You Accepted This Degenerate Social Cycle, soem Just To have A Relationshiop Thinking No N e Knows About the dirt, Some Men Just Straight Claiming women On the Street, some Slandering Descent Women, For women Of Ill Repute, to Continue, And Cover Up Degeneracy, To Decieve An Unsuspecting Young Man,( What I’ve Been Experiencing From My Own Son At Present, Beguiling Snake Like Female whispering In His Ear, To Take Him Down The Road To Hell Destitute, Adn Without a Spiritual Foundation Nor support, And. I’m so Sick and tired Of This Cult Of Lunatics, ( They Place Themselves And their Chosen Ones Into Family Positions, Once They’ve Destroyed A Family,Their Cult Has Infiltrated With Their Cult Practices.The Entire Family Is Destroyed. , Jim Jones Cult Crap And have thier Victim Completely Dependant Upon Them And The Cult.)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Racial profile And CommunistI In The United States Seed's of Molech, And Their Gaining Ground For the Kingdom Of the Beast

Communist's Are The Ones within The U.S. Were Being Racially Profiled. , In California, For Commie's, Don't Believe That Left wing Lyer, With His MisINterpertation Of The Oppressed Black Man, aS There Symbol For Oppression, ( When Are  We Going To Stop Other's From Monopolizing And Becoming Rich And Noted, From Our Pain pretending To be A Friend. And,   There, trying TO Destroy, the U.S. bit By Bit, has Anyone Seen The Movie, Olympus has Fallen,The Plot may Be Different , But The Entire, Terroistic Plot Is the Same, to Take Over And Destroy The United States, The Door To The Men Of The East has Been Opened. In the Bible( The Holy Scriptures,The Interpertation From The Torah) It Says , That The Dragon will be given Power, From the Beast, This is talking About In The Political And Government Seats. It Also Says That We Will Not Be Able To Buy or Sale, If We Don't Take the Sign Of the Beast. Whats left For Food, And Such???When These Terroist, Take Control, Promising Peace, And A  One World Religion?, And The Racist Infamous Groups Being Damn Stupid, But Used byThese Terrorist's.Such  Groups, As The White Supremists, KKK, Some Radical pro Black Groups, Pro HispanicGroups, I mean Come On, do You Think Your Groups have A Chance to Survive, When The Lie Is Pretended, Peace, to Deceive, To Delude, And This Delusion Will Be Placed And Used On The Entire World., These policies, In Government Seats, And You And these Groups really think Your Going to have Your Little patch of Dirt,Your Own Little Place To Hate As You Please, To do And Live As You Damn Well please. Well I'm Here To tell You The Only Thing That Will Take Place Is Your Groups Will Be Used to Bring Down The Number Of Oppossition Within Your Own Race's. Your Going To bite And devour One Another. I mean How Stupid can A person Be.The Entire World Is going to recieve, give Into, , accept The Sign Of The Beast,  Rather They Want to Or Not. go thru the Effects Of The Dragon,Biblically Named And Stated AS The Tribulation.This State IS The Equivalency Of Sodem And Gommorrah, Different Cults Have More Say, And Freedom, Than Faith Based Programs, Radio Programs, The Seed's Of Molech, Are Seen, Heard,And Accepted. There Life Style's Are Accepted,And Recognized.  And  Do You Know How to Survive, without Taking the Sign Of The Beast??? will YOu Steal For Food?? prostitute?? What Exactly will You Do? It's nearly Upon Us, And Some so called Christians Are so submerged within the Enfluence Of The Deciever, The Lyer, The Seed's of Molech They Can't See the Truth T hat is Staring them Right In the Eyes, You have All KInds Of  Enfluence's to keep You From Seeing the Truth, The Racial Profile, Is going  Towards, Black males, That Are so Damaged, So slave Mentalitied Full Of Self hate, Guilt, Vulnerable  And Ripe For The Enfluences Of The Deciever ripe for The LieThe Delusion,Looking For LOve Accdeptance. These Delilahs, Go After These Types of Black males, Like Delilah did to Samson, It'sFor There people, ThereRace, Not Ours And use Every Kind Of Your Deragatory, Self Hate  Image, To Delude, and turn You Further Against your own Race, Another Tool to destroy The black man making Them Weak, Especially When They do not have Any strong Black women AS Support Systems,These Tramps Go After A Strong Black woman, And place A Peice Of Weak Dead Weight type inThere Place, And,Monitor Them Like Mating Monkey's( Racial Profiling Is Experienced N Many Forms, The Different Experiments Were Done During Hitler's Reign DuringWW2. some Experiments Took Place In South Africa In The 60's During The U.S's Civil Rights Movement, In New York Experimentatins Were Being Done On American Citizens, IN The 80's The victims Were Able to Sue, But Remeber New York Practices, Racial Profiling, It's Used For Many Thgings, But Reeks OF The Same Thing, To Do Something Against Someone, Because Of There Race. )The Bible Says Free, And Slave, Bodies, And Souls Of Men,  this is a Evil And Demonic PresentTime. And it will get Worse.I've had To deal with Jealous Slave Types, that Are so stupid, they'd Take The sign Of the Beast To Continue A Lie And A Sick Obsession, to Partake In Innocent Blood shedding,  To Help Menstealer,s Lyer's Provoker's of Vain Glory, In Training To Be Slaves,Emmulator's Whoremonger's Ignorant,Form Of Godliness,Traitors,Joining House to House,Field To Field, Not Following the Ordinaces. of Man, The U.S. Constitution, the Bible Says they Will Be Traitors, Hater's Of The Good, Calling Evil Good, And Good Evil. Fantasia singing a church song, And  Lord halleluyah, You may Start Shouting TROOP singing One of My Favorite Songs,

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Jeanetta Craney v. Lori Fujishige, et al

Jeanetta Craney v. Lori Fujishige, et al
Hey! Hey
! Hey1
Well WEll WEll HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!n I'm Bot To Git PAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank-YOu My Heanvenly Father who Is The Head Of My LIfe, My Strength, My Giudance, My Life, In HIs Hand , Thru Gunfire, Thru Hunger, Thru, Evictions, Thru bills Needing to Be Paid, Thru Rent , And Famly Cuttin Up, What ever I Need,

Monday, April 15, 2013

Are They law Enforcements Agents Or Organized Criminals??????? God , This Shit Has Hit The Fan Now, There Are Sheriff Cadets, That Have Infiltrated And Using This Shelter, Passageways A Shelter In the City Of Pasadena For this One Chick , That Is Obsessed And Out OF Her Mind, With Jealousy. That Claims to Be With ( Get this Wide World Web) To be With My Husband, Godfrey Singleton, the Last time He Hooked up, With Some one IN this Podium Of Law Enforcement He Was Strung Out On Crack Cocaine , Living  Homeless, Frequenting WEst Lake Park, unable To Visit His Surrounded By Illegals And  some Vets ,With Really Bad Attendance For His Program AT The V.A. so strung Out On Crack Cocaine.He Was Very Viollent Towards All Of the Case manger's Because Of Being Unable to recieve Money To continue his habit,Monitored By This sick Ass Bitch. .Living IN Fear, From The Threats, From this sick ass Bitch.They Met Upon HIs Realese From Jail, Isn't It Romantic, And Just So wonderful How Love Can Be Found in the Strangest Place's????? AHHHHHH.  How Sweet.    NOT!!!!!!!    , In Which I Heard Some Male Prostitution Was Being Used,With the Power Held Over some Of These Guys Heads, It's Too Too Much,To find Out Something So corrupt, ANd Disgusting,  , ( I Just Can't Believe, this Crappy Ass Shit)  I Happen To  Have Some Family In the Law Enforcement Arena, Jailer, And Sheriff So I'm Praying That SOme oF Thsi shit IS made Up And Lies,But I Do Know These Bitches Are Sick As Fuck.Just To Think About Getting LOcked Up And being Lost IN the system No Contact From Anyone, Especially A Drug Addict , that  Dosen't Go Aroung Family that Much Or Frequents, That West Lake Park, If they Were Found Dead Wouldn't Anyone KNow About it At This Bitch Has Got to Be Fired, and Truned In , AS WEll A something Done to Bring the Standards Of HIring Up F or the sheriffs Department Adn Realistically It HSould Be done ASAP.Because this Arena, Of Law Enforcemet, Is Always At The Brunt Of All Types, Of Investigations, Publically Placed IN The Paper From something Being Uncovered About Some Of those that wear the Badge's Of Sheriff.I've Read In The Newspaper's That Some Law Enforcement Were Behaving,Like Gang Member,s, Could tha Be The Enfluence From the Wrld Rekn own INfamous Victory Outreach Cult Of Religious Fanatics, That Hosue's Gangmembers Drive By  Shooters, That Eventually Get's Themselves Closed Down Due To The  
Whole Community And City Bands Together to get Rid Of there Asses?while Other,s Sale Their Properties, Gettign Away From these Lunaitcs. And This one Chick Has Gotten Her Mind Set On The Goldline, They Also Do the Red Line Up, Fuckin with Private Citizens  But the Blue Line, Where there IS A Route That Gose' to the Most Dangerous Projects, IN Los Angeles County, You'll Never find Any Of they're Punk  Fake, Wanna Be Cop  Bitch Asses. You Do the Math?OnlyIn the Better Neighborhoods, And routes, Victimizing Private Citzens, And Distributing A bunch Of Illegals In The Area  , to Bring the Property Value Down and Raise the Crime Rate And Level.And they Call themselves, Law Enforcement, agents, What A Fuckin Joke. Am I Lying??????????? You Do the Math?????????
comunist's Are The Ones within The U.S. were Being Racially profiled, In California For commie's And There, trying TO Destroy, the u.s. bit By Bit, has Anyopne Seen Teh Movie, Olympus has Fallen,Teh Plot may Be Different , But The Entire, Terroistic Plot Is the Same, to Take Ove And Destroy The United Staes, In the bibilel It Says , That The Dragon will be given Power, From the Beast, This is talkign Abotu Int he Political Seats, Of Government, it Also Says TAht we Wiill Not Be Able To buy or Sale If We Don't Take the Sign Of the Beast, Waht's left For Food, And Such???When These Terroist, Take control promising Peace, And The Racist Infamous Groups Beign Used And so Damn Stupid Bei Used, By These Terroist, Grouos, White supremist, KKK, some Radical pro Black Grouops, pro HIspanic Groups, I mean Come On, do You Think Your Groups have A Chance to Survive, When The Lie Is Pretended, Peace to Deceive, To Delude, And The Entire World, will accept these Policies, A nd YOu T hink Your All Going to recieve YOur Own Little patch Of Teh Planet And Not Be Bothered??/

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Family (now known as fDeluxe) - The Screams Of Passion

I  Used To Be So Into Prince, It Didn't Make Sense, Me and All My Girls., Al Of Us Were,, And We All Had These Great Big Ass Buddies, aNd HIps,

My Slideshow

I Created this On YouTube, ANd I"m very Proud Of It.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Jeanetta Craney v. Lori Fujishige et al

Jeanetta Craney v. Lori Fujishige et al

I Can't Believe My HUsband Didn't Believe In Me Enough But Oh Well I Keep My Eyes On The lOrd, and I'm About to Be Extremely Blessed, and I Will Never go Near Arkansas , Or Have any Of those Form the rudley Clan Near Me Ever aGain , For what Thye've done to my ife, My m,arriage Or My Son, Formt ehre Jealousy, and Madness, EVen USing the Hampton's And some slave as sshit, that as Usual when dealing with them Is Some Dumb ass Stupid ass shit.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Because You Really Need To Know, Your Benig Played For a Fool. And Satan is laughing At You.
I Start Out With this Video Of fantasis,

23:3 Therefore dfYe Be Witnesses Unot yourselves, That ye are The Children of them which killed The Prophets. 32; Fill Ye Up Then The Measure of fathers. 33: ye Serpents,ye generation of Vipers,how can Ye Escape the Damnation Of Hell?
2 timothy 3:1-6
6: For of htis sort are they Which creep Inbto Houses and lead Captive Silly Women laden with sins, led away With Divers Luists. Numbers 36:9 Neither shall the INheritance remoce from one tribe to Anoher Tribe; But Everyone of the Tribes ofthe children Of Isreal shall Keep Himself to his own inheritance./\
proverbs 5: 20 And why wilt thou my son Be Ravished with a strange Woman and embrace the Bosom of a Strangeer? 24: to keep thee From the evil woamn, From The Flattery of the Tongue of a strange Woman.
25: Lust no after her fBeauty in thine heart, Neither Let her take thee with Her eyelids, 26: For by Means Of a whoruish Woman a Man is Brought to a Piece of bread; and teh  Adultress will hunt fo the precious life.
Read The Entire Proverbs of 7

Proverbs 7:1-27 thisiisi Something All Of Our Son's Need To Know. remmber The Story Of Samson And Delilah???; Samnson Kept Fooliong Around with hose harlots, And those Women Outside of his tribe Constantly warned Against It But Not Listening. Just like Ourt Son'''''''''''s Today Not LIstenig Unitl that Piece Of Hoocie, Skank, Skeezer, Get Them INto Some trouble, And the Thing MOst Of these women, don't KNow is The Fiorst Impression Our Son't Get, Are From Us, Is this the Kinn d Of woen Our son'e See In Us???? I Mean Is this ther eImpression Of The Back Bone Of the Family teh Skank, Skeezer, the Easy Amnd Accessible, the Talkative, The Busybody?The Gossip, the Run A Man Down, Forgetting there Children????Type??????well. Is it?????Giving Up ther For a Man?????????? Well Is it. Well Samso Kept going After  harloets,  He LOst HIs Wife, He LOst his Power From God, He LOst HIs Annoiting, His Physical Strength, And died IN the MIdst Of the Heathen's that Hated Him. How Many OOf OUr son's Are Being Playd Just LIke Samson By these Strange Women???, Delilah, Got Paid To Betray amson, For Her People, Are Thew Same Strange Women Doing the Same thing to OUr Young son''s For Ther People???, I Mean UI See them Every Where with Our Son's With Our men, and See them Every Where On T.V. In The OPlac Of Strong, Black women.I'm JUst Taking Account Of what is Going On All Around Us. WEll???? kThen The SCrioptures, State In Nahum 3:df Because Of teh Multitude of the Whordopms of the Wellfavored  Harlot, the Mistress Of Witchcrafts, tha tSelleth nations, Through th eir Whoredoms, And Families through her witchcrafts. 5: Behold I Am Against thee saith rthe LOrd of JHOsts; and I Will Discover  thy Skirts upon thy face, and i Will shoow The nations thy Nakednss, and The Kingdoms thy shame..
Leviticus 19: 29  do not Prostitute thy Daughter to cause her  to be the whore: least the land fall to whoredom, and teh  Land become Full Of wickedness. they Use here Children as Instruments to decive  to beguile, to Spread their Whoredoms, Procreating, in the Midsts
Deuteronomy 23:  2 A bastard Shall Not Enter Into the Congregation Of the Lord : Even to HIs Tenth Generation shall He NOt ot enter INto the Congregation of the LOrd.
Deuteronomy 18: There shall NOt be found among you anyobne that  maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire or that useth divination or an Observer Of times or an Enchanter, Or a witch oir a newcromancer or a consulter with  familiar spirits Or a wizard.
Then the Word Says  In James
James 1: 16 Do Not Be Decived My Bel;oved Brethren 7: Every good Gift And Every Perfect Gift iss From ABove Adn Cometh Dowwn From the Father of LIghts, with whom,is No Variable nessf, Neither shawdow of turning 18: of his own will begat heUs with the Word Of truth, that  we should be a kind Of first fruits of his creatures.

Genesis 6:1 And when i cam to passf, When men Bgan To  Multiply on the Fac of the Earth, and the daughters werfe Born unrto them, that the son;'s of god saw the daughters of men that  they were fair and they took them as wives of all which they chose

Rememebr that day is over, this is the day of the sedd of MOlech  and to destroy and break down to establish the kingdom of the beast, I Seen In teh Sentinal, An Advertisement, IN the Reknon Black Paper, Our  Publicvartion For the Balck Community, The Alvin alley Ballet Troupe. the Entrance fFor Classical Black Ballet Artist, When the White , Ballet Podium, Was Not Availbale for blacks to enter, Well guess what i Saw, In the Sentinal, A puerto-rican Advertised, dose this mean that We Are NOw being replaced, IN OPUr Own Podium, By those that Have figured Ourt  Anoterh way to break the Tribe Of black Down????? I'm JUst askinga QuestionSince No one else iis asking the Question.
Thisisi the Day Of the Seed Of Molech, IfOUr Son's have NO Positive Black Female Strong Black Role MOdels That Represent Black Women to OUr Young Men What is  left to
Leviticus 20: 1-8  then ther's Romans 10: 3 For they being iignorent ofgod's Righteousness Have not Submitted themselves unto teh righteousness Of God Which Leads to Revelation 13 To Experience Revelation18: Being Overcame, and Slaves MErchandised Bodies, and souls Of Men deluded
 2 Thessalonians 2: 1 And for  this cause God shall Send them strong delusion, t hat they shoulld believe a Lie 12: that they all MIght be damned who believed not the  thruth but had Pleasure in unrighteousness.

so Taht 's what Were Dealing with , these Delilahs going After Our son''''''''s, And it's Not For Love It's to Bring Us Down as a peiole, therey Reliying On that Slave Mentality Of Good Hair, LIght skin, Green Eyes ETC, All OF teh Tybo's taht MOSt Darker Skined Blacks Haev had to Deal with . A Tabbo, Fromt eh south, How they Wantted to be white, Drinking Chalk Water, Or Obsessed With white Women Or Light skined women they that Slave Mentalied thinking, and these Skanky, Hoocie's Have Been Well trained IN Regards To a Slave metalitied Black, thjey're usually Jealous Of Black Women It's All aGame to Them, and if they Can get AWay with Placing The typoe Of Black Negative Fem,ale that society Questions, or Isn't Socially Accepted to GEt her POint Across to Steer The YOung Blacks Away From Positive Black Women, then that' Just What they'll do. Personifying A Nasty Black women, having ther slave Pet Niggah, Hel them talkl the black Woamn Down, then Parading this Light skinned,  Nearly white in Looks) Or NOn-black woman IN the Palce of Teh Black Woman,. I say allthis Becasue I Mean For that Dance ADvertisement , what Dose that mean Are We Beign Re;placedand the Door To American Classical Ballet, Is Beign Closed To Aspiring Black Ballet Dancer's? The Historicalstepping Stone used When there Wasent' anoterh avialble for those that Wantted to Dance Classical Ballet?becasueu Let's Jsut Tell the Truth They Are Territorial, And All We Hear ONce ther ePaln Has Ben aCheived Fromthat Stupes, Is My People. My People,. and Blacks Are the one's Assed Out, becasue oF it. Not To Mention the Fighting, All Because Of The  Lttie Something to think About, and Dont;' YOU Laugh Our White Counterparts, they'vbe been doing the Same thing to You.  whites, especially Using the Door Is Asians On the White Males they Not Wanting to Look Prejudiced, Or Racist, No Once there Is anacceptance Of Ones SElf, and an Apreciaton Of ONes Self then teh  Chance to Share And APreciate One another without the Barrier Of Race  so Don't think YOur Special, It's all Been Planed all Out, Oklay, to Disentegrate teh Races, and have them so Tron  up And  Confused Until they're Acdeptign this Attack Readily. so as Not To look racist And Look Liberal, Don;'t YOu See there Counting On that.I mean The Bible Dose Say Free And Slave, bodies, And Souls Of Men.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Romans 14: Let us Not Therefore Judge One Another anymore but judge this rather that  no man put a Stumbling Block or an Occassion To Fall In His Brothers way.
Mattehw 7:1 Judge Not that ye Be not judged.: and with what Measure ye mete , it shall be mesured to you again .
1John 3:11 For this is The message that you heard from the Beginning that we should love one another. 12: Not as Cain who was of the Wicked one And Murdered His brother. And Why did he Murder Him? Because his works were evil and His  brothers righteous. 
Ephesians 4:17 This I Say There Fore ans Testify in the Lord That You should no longer Walk as the Gentiles walk in the Futility   of their MInd
18: Having the Understanding Darkended being Alienated From the life of God, Becasue Of the Ignorance that is in Them, Becasue of the Blindness Of their Heart: 19: Who Being past Feeling Have given themselves Over to lewdness to walk all Uncleaness with greediness
Ecclesiates 5:1 Keep thy Foot When thou Goest To the House Of God, And Be more ready to hear Than To give the  sacrificw of Fools: For they Consider not that they do evil.
2: Be not Rash With thy MOuth and let not thine heart be hasty to utter anything before God: For God is in Heaven, And Thou Upon Earth: Therefore Let thy Words Be Few.
Gallatians5: 26 Let us not be desrious Of Vain Glory, Provoking One Another, Envying One Another.
2 Corinthians 10: 12 For we Dare not Make ourselves of the Number, or compare ourselves with some that  Commend Themselves But They Measuring themselves among themselves are not wise 14: For we stretch Notourselves beyond our measure, as though we reached not unot you: For we are come as far as to you also in preaching the gospel of christ:
Galatians 5:15 But if ye bite and devour one another , take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.
Enjoy Some Fantasia Spreading The word Thru Song And Just Shake Yo Head ,And Get Happy., Sweet LOrd Jesus My :Lord My Lord, Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.WEll WEll WEll.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Jeanetta Craney v. Lori Fujishige et al

Jeanetta Craney v. Lori Fujishige et al
this is the LInk TO the Docket And Filing Against those Responsible for What Took Place at the 111116 S NOrmandie These People EVen Had  Another Person IN a ntoher Aprtmetn with the SAme First name as MIne IN thereFraud shit i Mean these are some really sick asspeolle IN california Now.

GOOD GOD Soundwitness wil BE NOtified ABout this Mess YOu Cult Of Jehovah Witnesses, AS WEl laS Rick Ross Institute.

Here They Come Again The Mind Snatched Cult Of Jehovah Witnesses'. Thisis Some Unbelievable Stuff, This Cults Should Be Listed With the Federal Government as A Terroist  Anti American  Group.  I Mean Good Lord Jesus, Don't Laugh.I've Had To Stay In Contact With the Soundwitness Organization Since the Year Of 2004, Becasue Of these Brainwashed Poor SoulsThey Use Fear, To Control ther eVictims, Coercise, Threaten, One Freinds Son Was Kept so MIserable he Committed Suicide, Another One Was Hosp[italized, And is Still Detained, From The Exsposure, I Mean There Insane They Stalk, To veryone Else It's Stalking, To Them It's I'm Just Following them, I Mean there Insane. They've Been Victimizing My son Since he was 6 years Old, HIs Father Has Relatives that are These Poor Misguided Souls, Weve Been Disolved From Our Union NOw For Over 19 Years, But he they come With This nonesense ABout someone runnign after the guy that's My Son's father, it's rdiculous, they Slander, and spread the Lies, to Hilt Of Unbelievability, They've Accussed Me Of Somethings I Wasen't IN The Stae But There So excessive A Person Was Using i.D. theft While I Was not Presnet in the State impersenating Me,. and NOw there Stuck Living Homelss Out Of there Mind Wondering the Street's aimlessly, It' s Rediculous,aND these brain washed Lunatics, Have been Doing this Psychotic Stuff,  there excessive stunts Now for 19. Don't Laugh, I Mean I Stay Flusstered. and Want to Kill they Asses, Becasue OF all the Changes' they Put Me through, thes LUnatics Have Even Victimized My HUsband We'll Be Married Fro 2 Years, on April 10th But Because Of theser LUnatics and One Of ther Female Cult Members Claiming MyHUsband we will Not Be Spending OUr annivesary Together, And This Sick Chick Used the Police to Perform this Stunt, My HUsband was Taken from the Westwood, And wilshire Gift Shop IN the MOnth Of October, I Was Devestated,I Follwed The Police to the Police stationh, To inquire about my husband, He Was INcarcerated, then Transfered to the van Nuys Police station, then to LAX, Then to Twin Towers, Then to The Altadena Sheriffs Department, And I Was Runnign around To these Different Courts, and he was never There NOt Before a Judge Or even IN the Detainment Area Waitting to see a Judge, I Went to court For one other Session, and he Claimed he didn't even Know me, I left, But Notifeid the FBI, Giving them the Arrest Booking Number, I Spoke with someone IN the Twin Toweres And was Told he was in the Psychiatric Ward, Waitting to Be Released to his wife, Or his Doctor, I Was Downstairs IN he INformation Department They didn't Let MyHUsband go for 2 months Becasue of this stunt, and then Some hispanic chick, And an asian Chick Began to Claim my HUsband as her new boyfriend, andI Was Stalking them.I Mean These ARe ASome Crazy INsane Brainwashed Lunatics'. IMean He Stays IN terror, and dosen't Want to Return HOme Because OF these LUnatics, And they ARe KNown For breaking UP marriages, Families, And Other Sick Psychoitic Excessive Stuff.They've Used Threats, INcarceration, Exstrotion, Mental ABuse,Harrassment, Sexuall Harrassment, False Arrest, Slander, Lies, Stalkings, On My Son And Exploits Disabled Individuals. LIke it Ain't shit, They Should Be killed, ANd Jailed, The Goivernment should LIst Them AS a Terroist Group. Please Wil someone Let These Poor Souls Know Tha tTHere Is Help For them too, SUDWITNESS.ORG Spread THe WOrd, There Brainwashed FAmily Members Can Become Un Endoctrinated If you CAn Afford The  Cost And Bill NOtify The Rick ROss INstitute ABout this cult, and How they've Victimized You And YOUr FAmily And REcieve The help YOu Need to Rid You And YOur FAmily Of this Menace.