Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Romans 14: Let us Not Therefore Judge One Another anymore but judge this rather that  no man put a Stumbling Block or an Occassion To Fall In His Brothers way.
Mattehw 7:1 Judge Not that ye Be not judged.: and with what Measure ye mete , it shall be mesured to you again .
1John 3:11 For this is The message that you heard from the Beginning that we should love one another. 12: Not as Cain who was of the Wicked one And Murdered His brother. And Why did he Murder Him? Because his works were evil and His  brothers righteous. 
Ephesians 4:17 This I Say There Fore ans Testify in the Lord That You should no longer Walk as the Gentiles walk in the Futility   of their MInd
18: Having the Understanding Darkended being Alienated From the life of God, Becasue Of the Ignorance that is in Them, Becasue of the Blindness Of their Heart: 19: Who Being past Feeling Have given themselves Over to lewdness to walk all Uncleaness with greediness
Ecclesiates 5:1 Keep thy Foot When thou Goest To the House Of God, And Be more ready to hear Than To give the  sacrificw of Fools: For they Consider not that they do evil.
2: Be not Rash With thy MOuth and let not thine heart be hasty to utter anything before God: For God is in Heaven, And Thou Upon Earth: Therefore Let thy Words Be Few.
Gallatians5: 26 Let us not be desrious Of Vain Glory, Provoking One Another, Envying One Another.
2 Corinthians 10: 12 For we Dare not Make ourselves of the Number, or compare ourselves with some that  Commend Themselves But They Measuring themselves among themselves are not wise 14: For we stretch Notourselves beyond our measure, as though we reached not unot you: For we are come as far as to you also in preaching the gospel of christ:
Galatians 5:15 But if ye bite and devour one another , take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.
Enjoy Some Fantasia Spreading The word Thru Song And Just Shake Yo Head ,And Get Happy., Sweet LOrd Jesus My :Lord My Lord, Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.WEll WEll WEll.

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