Friday, February 15, 2013

Revelation 12;7 The Red Dragon

War In Heaven,Satan Deceiver Of the  Whole World-this is An Allegorical Decription Of the  Giant  Spiritual Confrontation Between the Son's of Light And The Son's Of  Darkness . they  Symbolically Depict The  Spiritual Forces, Of Good And Evil; that  Battle For the  Dominion in the Minds of Men.and  The Great Dragon was cast out that old Serpent, called the Devil and satan,which deceiveth the whole world(v9) this scripture speaks to the  establishment of institutionalized deception under the dominion of the Spirit of Err, which caused the masses of the Earth to be afflicted with death, destruction poverty fear anxiety pollution perversion degeneracy disrespect immorality plagues sickkness and diesease this means that entire evil concepts systems and implementation devices have been set up for and accepted by people as correct and normal Lifestyles. By institutionalizing d, Satan has been given a seat in the governments of the World that legistate his evil Policies and Maintain his rulership 12:7
                                                  Revelation 13
                                             The Image Of the Beast

the Entire thirteeth Chapter is an Allegorical decription of the Beast, the arch Adversary and opressor of the true And living God.(v6) 9v13)
the Number of the Beast 666 teh Number 666 Refers to the name of emperor domitian-Babylon-(Dan1:1 In the third year of the reign of jehoaikim king Of Judah Came Nebuchaddnezzar king Of Babylon unto jerusalem and Besieged it. Nebuchadnezzer Teh Great king Of Ancient Babylon was a Cahldean and ruled From 605-561 bc jerusal3em fell to  nebuchadnezzer in 587bc teh city and temple wre laid to waste. the Chaldeans were one of many cushite tribes popullating Babalonia and wre from African/edenic family line of Ham(Not Sunburnt) Revelation 14:8 And there followed another angel Saying babylon is Fallen is Fallen tha Grat city becasue she made All nations Drink of the wine of the wrath of her Fornication
In the Chinese Calender 2013 is the year Of teh Snake 2013 Adds Up  to the Number 6 DEscription of the Seeds of Molech Romans 1:21-32 Revelation 3:9 Bwehold i will make them of the Synagogue of satan which Say they Are jews And Not But Do Lioe; There Are only two More Sixes to go Keep note Look around you is it Not 2 timothy 3: 1-6 by Yolanda Adams Mann Take Me to The King
Fantasia don't pass me by
Just Bask In the Melodies of consecration Of God's Devine Inspiration TO the Truth

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